
Live your Life at your own Pace!

Whenever you are lost in the herd and don’t know where to go?
Please have a seat and start to write down on a paper with a pen … yes write down with a pen on a paper sheet “What is your aim”?
Do you feel a little clear now?
If you feel that a certain thing is on the list and haven’t been achieved then research the steps and rest shall follow..but start to take steps one by one and easily.. because its okay to live at your pace.
Life can be demanding at times and when we don’t have much time to think for a solution rather we fall in the trap of black or white thinking. We tend to think two ways either its 100% or 0% but never look at whats been in between? Why we overlook the progress which has been made towards the aim. The aim hasn’t been achieved 100% but may be 30% or 60% so lets count that and see a brighter day ahead. 
Make a move towards your dream or shall I say lets dream for the best together because I am still on my journey and its okay to go on a comfortable speed, forward is forward.
Remember this time you have fallen and learnt from your mistakes which are now lessons to succeed better. No one ever has started with the best things available but they have made it available.
Relax, its your journey, I too get lost but by doing this, I have always seen myself returning back to the path.