
The Imperfect Body & Perfect Mind

What comes to your mind when you think of yourself?

For me it is – I am capable, I am strong and I am unique. The way I am, there is no one! Of course, that doesn’t mean I feel like Kim Kardashian every day I wake up but I try to wake up each day with gratitude towards my own body.

What is imperfect & perfect? Nothing, because the beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So there is no point in wasting time on that.

I know we live in a society where peer pressure is inevitable but don’t you think its more in the human mind?

Yes, it totally depends on how we plan to take that pressure, if you step ahead and take that pressure you’ll feel more pressurized, if you step back and let it be, you’ll feel more relaxed.

So I start my day with a little self love and self love doesn’t mean selfishness, it means if you love yourself, you allow your good vibes to radiate even better vibes and achieve that place in life where you’re confident.


Accept and Embrace

When you accept & embrace yourself, your being, you mentally make a place of your own good vibes where no one can disturb your peace. Don’t try to be what you’re not because that will not make you, you! Happiness is found within us, don’t let your happiness depend on external factors.

By doing what makes you comfortable, you will always be appreciated.

There is no perfect – perfect for me can be imperfect for you – don’t think what people will say, because they will say anything to anything you do.

I love my imperfections and its just better when I am myself.

I put makeup when I feel like, I dress up when I feel like because I need to like me, I don’t need anyone to like me.

My body gives me the most comfort… I love it, embrace it..

I’l give a small example I used to think I am very fat ( I was too),I cannot wear any short dresses because my imperfect body will show, I can’t be like those beach babes etc. and since I have given up on the idea of loosing weight to be perfect for wearing that swimsuit, I have started to see a change in my body and its not because I am doing anything (literally nothing), its just happening naturally and I am just enjoying the best years of my life where I am wearing all the dresses I want, I haven’t been happier.. my skin color, body shape and my height are no more an issue. And I am sure this must have sounded silly. But hey! Manifesting really HELPS!

I wear swimsuits- I don’t have beach body but I believe I have a body which is on the beach and it becomes a beach body..

Loose weight to stay healthy, if you eat a cake don’t stress.. be relaxed that you got an opportunity to eat which thousands don’t get.


Don’t compare- There is no scale that can measure your uniqueness!

Comparing brings self hate, underestimation which further leads to frustration and that is where we manifest the negative vibes which result into being an unhappy person. And imagine continuously doing that ? Piling up all the negative energy into a big bunch which will result into an unhappy you and on the other hand if you practice the good things meaning you are piling up on good things – one on one, resulting in abundance of good vibes. Always remember, your journey is your own. Take your time to find out who you are, what you truly want.. as you grow up, you need you more than you need anything else. Learn your good and bad points.


Human detox

We often lack of healthy competitiveness, whats easily available are the people who will let you down, back-stab and confuse you. You need to leave them even if its your close ones because you need to look after your own self first and be with who genuinely supports you. Those are the ones who want your best. Bullying & harassing will always be a part of life but you can choose to narrow your ways.

You are one in a billion, embrace each moment!