
What is Sustainability to me?

When I say a sustainable lifestyle I merely want to focus on our daily life where we struggle to cope up with chores and competition. I observed, during the COVID-19 lock down a lot of people posted about different issues arising in the world. Questions like sustainability of mother earth, household issues, finances, mental health etc. Here on this platform I want to address all and as we progress I will be sharing bit by bit.
Life can have ups and down so we should definitively be ready and therefore have a sustainable lifestyle where we are not affected under any circumstances.
For me sustainability starts at home, firstly with my husband, where we can happily afford a pocket friendly sustainable lifestyle for the upcoming years. I focus on keeping my family happy so that we don’t come across household issues.
I started off accidentally and realized- it surely doesn’t mean living on a tight budget. I will be showing you examples of what I do in a month on a single salary and how comfortably things are being done.

People Preach but don’t Practise

I, here will be presenting a lifestyle which I myself have experienced for 6 months and have survived it so well that I actually never imagined and I thought I will fail if I loose my job and when I was working I was getting much deeper into a lifestyle which we couldn’t afford if a circumstance like COVID-19 occurs.
I didn’t want to stop back then and now I don’t want to return to work because I feel like starting my family and pausing my life for the beautiful moments. Today, while writing this, the lock-down, the panic is over and people have started to live normally where I also have adjusted beautifully and I am feeling a little extra proud. I don’t have anxiety, I am free from the competition and what the world will think, it doesn’t matter anymore, what matters is how long can I sustain a good life? My mental peace and my well being. How long can I eat the best food? How long can I afford the house I live in? I’ve found an answer to all this and I want you also to indulge.

Needs a little planing

Setting up budget for everything I do has helped me totally to get a life which is pleasurable to me and makes sense to me..now I don’t get things which I don’t need or I just need for once I rather don’t buy but play around a little with what I have.
I am definitely enjoying saving money yet living my life to the fullest where I do things which are pocket friendly and that surely isn’t uncomfortable. I am a commoner who started to feel like a celebrity, giving people competition to do more but in a wrong way, now by reducing that effect of wrong impression I am on journey which might inspire you.

How sustainable can we be really?

Sustainable lifestyle of course means being a vegan, zero waste & a minimalist but that doesn’t work in real life specially if you are living in a family (& are Indian). I believe these are guidelines which are some kind of parameters towards a more responsible life.
Our parents have taught us to live financially independent- so me & my husband we need to take care of ourselves on our own and for that we need to be responsible. Today me & him are totally by ourselves & we are proud of them & us!
So why not everyone/anyone can lead a responsible life as a family member, citizen of a country, and of Mother Earth. We need to save our planet, our life and for that we need to do our bit.
It might be a challenge but the trend has to change and someone has to take the lead.